Napoleon Series Archive 2017

Bernadotte and the Finnish Question

Maurice Carrez. Charles XIV Jean (alias Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte) and the Finnish Question .
Maurice Carrez.
Revue d’histoire nordique = Nordic historical review, Pôle européen Jean Monnet, Université Toulouse-Le Mirail, 2008,

ABSTRACT One of the first important acts of Charles Jean XIV as head of Sweden was to renounce the idea of reconquering Finland. It was a difficult position to take, considering the conditions of the time, and in all likelihood, he swung back and forth for several months before taking a definitive decision, contrary to what he might have asserted later. Moreover, the regent, then sovereign, of Sweden, was forced to justify his choice throughout his reign and to navigate between the dangerous reefs of a diverse opposition, which was organised to varying degrees. Thus, the Finnish policy was, for another thirty years, a thorn in the side of the royal power at Stockholm.