Napoleon Series Archive 2017

La marine française au 18 Brumaire

La marine française au 18 Brumaire
Pierre Lévêque
Annales historiques de la Révolution Française, 318, octobre-décembre 1999, p. 639-661

The French Navy and 18 Brumaire. On the eve of 18 Brumaire, the Navy seemed in a sorry state. Financial difficulties prevented the ships from being commissioned, while sailors and workmen went unpaid. Levies were inadequate and desertion was rife. The Western ports were isolated because of the unrest inland. Official ceremonies, however, demonstrated loyalty to the Government, or at least a readiness to conform. As far as can be judged, the Coup on the whole was well received. But the ceremonies which ensued and the oaths of allegiance proved increasingly militaristic and the unanimity was somewhat forced.