Napoleon Series Archive 2017

Albert-Jean-Michel Rocca, Mémoires

Albert-Jean-Michel Rocca, Œuvres: Mémoires sur la guerre des Français en Espagne (1814); La Campagne de Walcheren (1817); Le Mal du pays (1817–1818, inédit). Textes présentés et établis par Stéphanie Genand, avec la collaboration d’Aline Hodroge. (Tournant des Lumières.) Paris: Honoré Champion, 2017. 296 pp.

The volume contains three works by Albert-Jean-Michel Rocca (1788–1818), a Geneva-born officer in the French army who is known especially for his published memoirs as lieutenant in the Napoleonic army, where he served until his injury in 1812, and for his relationship with Germaine de Staël, whom he married in 1811. The publication of this volume amends an important omission in the field of literary history: despite his esteemed position in Staël’s milieu, Rocca’s writings have too often been relegated to the field of specialized military history and were largely overlooked by general intellectual historiography.