Napoleon Series Archive 2020

Coming-Marie Antoinette's World

Marie Antoinette's World: Intrigue, Infidelity, and Adultery in Versailles
Will Bashor
Hardcover: 256 pages
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers (June 15, 2020)
ISBN-13: 9781538138243

This book explores the little-known intimate life of Marie Antoinette and her family in a world filled with intrigue, infidelity, adultery, and sexually transmitted diseases. Will Bashor explores the hedonistic atmosphere at Versailles and Marie Antoinette’s imprudent entourage at court, concluding that her often thoughtless, fantasy-driven, and notorious antics were inevitable given her family history and the alluring influences that surrounded her. Readers will be fascinated by this view behind the scenes as we learn the secret language of the queen’s fan and explore the secret passageways and staircases of endless intrigue at Versailles.


Will Bashor holds a doctorate in International Studies from the American Graduate School in Paris. He currently lives in Barcelona.His books include Marie Antoinette's Head: The Royal Hairdresser, the Queen, and the Revolution and Marie Antoinette's Darkest Days: Prisoner No. 280 in the Conciergerie.