Napoleon Series Archive 2008

OT - feudalism: its final throes?


Thought this might be of interest in a light hearted way - especially as the concept of an anachronistic, feudal society is put forward (by some) to help explain the defeat of French aggresion in the Iberian peninsula.

This story has it all: seigneur (Beaumont) being ousted by two parvenus (the Barclays - hoteliers and newspaper “barons”), and I’m sure there’ll be a banking connection in there - if you look hard enough - and, the seigneur still defends the right to bear arms (muskets!) in face of invasion.

From feudalism to a … New Order

“In the 16th century Elizabeth I made Sark a fiefdom to be held in perpetuity by Helier De Carteret, the first seigneur. In return he had to maintain 40 households and "men with arms" to protect a strategically important outpost. The seigneur presided over the island's parliament, the chief pleas, and seats were allocated to the heads of the 40 households. Changes have been made over the years, with some "deputies" elected to chief pleas, but in recent times it became clear the parliament was not compliant with European human rights legislation. The law was reformed and the first elections will take place on December 10. Twenty-eight representatives - "conseillers" - will be elected in a secret ballot. They will run the island through committees. At midnight on January 8 the historic old chief pleas will die and at 9am next day the first democratically elected politicians will swear their oaths of allegiance.”

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OT - feudalism: its final throes?