Napoleon Series Archive 2010

Russian And Other Material.

Very nice additional information sent along by an old friend:

This may be the same officer as "major van Ommerer" from Davout's reports ....

18e Bataljon Infanterie Nationale Militie - Luitenant-Kolonel Frederik W[illem?] van Ommeren
.... recruited in Zeeland and Noord-Brabant as the 17e Bataljon Infanterie Landmilitie
.... re-numbered early in 1815
.... served in the 2e Brigade (Majoor-Generaal de Eerens) of the 1e Nederland Divisie (Luitenant-Generaal Stedman)
.... detached to Hal during the Waterloo campaign
.... included in 2e Afdeling Infanterie in 1819


2nd brigade of the Russian 13th infantry division
The named commander for the brigade as of 30 November (per von Quistorp) was general-major Sergey Fyodorovich Zheltukhin / генерал-майор Желтухин Сергей Фёдорович (1776-1833). He had been wounded at Leipzig and likely did not rejoin active service until after Stade.Желтухин,_Сергей_Фёдорович;
Several modern works give the commander of the this brigade as a "genral-major Ivanov", or similar. This appears to arise from the order of battle given by Plotho as of 28 September (see pages 603-605).
It is possible that this officer was actually general-major Ivan Dmitrievich Ivanov/ генерал-майор Иванов Иван Дмитриевич (1764-1828), shef of the 10th jäger regiment. He had been badly wounded a year earlier at the Berezina and appears to have led the brigade on his return to active service as it marched to join the Russian forces in
Germany. Upon arrival, it is likely that he took up his assignment as commander of the 3rd (jäger) brigade of the 9th infantry division, and that he was thus not present at Stade.Иванов,_Иван_Дмитриевич_(генерал;)
Perhaps of interest, the two regiments of the brigade were both newly formed in January to June 1811, from garrison battalions, and had been posted to the Crimea. The brigade joined the main Russian forces in late 1812.Уфимский_106-й_пехотный_полк;Оренбургский_105-й_пехотный_полк;

Saratovskiy infantry regiment / Саратовский пехотный полк
The shef of the regiment (and original commmander of the 2nd brigade), general-major Petr Grigorevich Yazykov / генерал-майор Языков Петр Григорьевич (1756-1826) had been wounded in January and had not rejoined at the time of the action at Stade.
The commander of the regiment, colonel vicomte Anne-Charles-Parfait de Chapt de Rastignac / полковник граф Шапт де Ростиньяк Карл Гаврилович (1776-1858), was noted for his leadership at Stade. See, for example, the relation of the action in the Bogdanovich :
He returned to France after the restauration, obtained a lieutenancy in mousquetaires noirs de la maison du Roi, succeeded as the comte de Rastignac, and became a maréchal de camp in 1821.

Penzenskiy infantry regiment / Пензенский пехотный полк
The shef of the regiment was colonel Vasiliy [Basil?] Ivanovich de Saint-Laurent /полковник де Сен-Лоран Василий Иванович (<1785-1835). He died a lieutenant general and governor of the Omsk region in Siberia, where he had assisted Humboldt's exploration. His widow and daughter are mentioned in the memoirs of the Decembrist Rozen (page 307).
The commander of the regiment was colonel Aleksandr Vasilevich Voeykov / полковник Воейков Александр Васильевич (1779-1815).

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