Napoleon Series Archive 2017


Bonaparte had a collection of small bladder stones at post mortem. These were common enough at these times. Bladder gravel (small stones) would lead to intermittent attacks of cystitis, with painful and frequent micturition and unwellness. This problem could have been aggravated by, or have occurred in addition to, becoming infested with Bilharziasis, which is caused by drinking water contaminated by a parasite (schistosoma haematobium) in Egypt, which might have left him with inflammation and eventual urethral stricture formation. Alternatively, he may just have had - all too frequent at these times - an STD eg gonorrhoea, with a resultant stricture. Dysuria just means difficult or painful micturition. If he took a prolonged time to urinate, he could thus have had an urethral stricture (narrowing of the urethra), or just attacks of cystitis with strangury, which is extremely painful micturition with a continued desire to micturate and often a feeling of incomplete urination. Michael.

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Re: Dysuria
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