Napoleon Series Archive 2017

Les émigrés français en Russie, 1789-1815

Les émigrés français en Russie, 1789-1815
Rémy Chamousset
Université Grenoble Alpes - UFR Arts & Sciences Humaines

Abstract : From 1789, the French nobility, impelled by the clashes of the Revolution, took the path of emigration in search of a new asylum. England and Prussia were the two first destinations for men who hoped to return as soon as possible in France. But fate would otherwise, tensions and progress of Napoleon's armies in Europe forced them to seek refuge farther. Russia, unknown and distant empire, became a new destination for the French nobility. On site, the nobles learned to discover a very different country prejudices aired so far, and came very often to serve his tsar. Indeed, after years of exile, the missing income prevented to live in dignity. Russian rulers showed themselves wary of the hosts, but generous, aware of the interest that their nation was to win the work of these men in his service. Indeed, whether for military, government ministries or in trade, many immigrants brought their talents and knowledge to fuel the development of this power. The Duc de Richelieu, the Comte de Langeron or Esterhazy, the Marquis de Bombelles, Madame de Stael and Joseph de Maistre, are only part of the French who went to Russia and left many testimonials on their action in this countries, and their vision of society. Participating in the dynamic Russian affirmation of the Tsarist empire in Europe was doubtless not unconnected to their contribution and advice.

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