Napoleon Series Archive 2019

Palgrave Sale *LINK*

The publisher Palgrave Macmillan are having a sale, with their books generally available direct from them for 9.99 Euros whether bought as eBooks, paperbacks or hardbacks.

These include titles in their War, Culture and Society, 1750-1850 series, which are generally academic monographs or volumes of essays. They are normally VERY expensive, so this is a splendid opportunity to get hard to find works.

Titles include:

Kevin Linch Britain and Wellington's Army. Recruitment, Society and Tradition, 1807-1815

Gavin Daly The British Soldier in the Peninsular War. Encounters with Spain and Portugal, 1808-1814

Esdaile and Freeman Burgos in the Peninsular War, 1808-1814

Wishon German Forces and the British Army, 1742-1815

Kennedy & McCormack Soldiering in Britain and Ireland, 1750-1850

Wright Wellington's Men in Australia. Peninsular War Veterans and the Making of Empire, c.1820-1840

Moores Representations of France in English Satirical Prints

But also many titles on non-British topics, including

Hartley et al Russia and the Napoleonic Wars

Asslestad Revisiting Napoleon's Continental System

Glenthøj Experiences of War and Nationality in Denmark and Norway, 1807-1815

James Witnessing the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars in German Central Europe

Broers et al The Napoleonic Empire and the New European Political Culture

Choral From Valmy to Waterloo [everyday life in revolutionary and Napoleonic France]

and many more. I should add that most of these books are quite academic in style and approach - not particularly easy reading, although often rewarding if you work for it.

I believe the sale lasts until 3 December.

The best way to search for titles is probably to go to the site, look for one of the books above and then use the link to the War, Culture and Society series to look through all 42 available titles.

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Palgrave Sale *LINK*
Re: Palgrave Sale