Napoleon Series Archive 2017

Prussian General Staff

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In January 1802, Colonel Christian von Massenbach submitted to Frederick William III a “Memorandum on a New Organization for the General Staff” [See “Denkschrift über eine neue Organisation des Generalstabes,” Reorganisation der Preußischen Armee nach dem Tilsiter Frieden, ed. R.K. von Scherbening and K.W. Willisen, 2 vols. (Berlin: E.S. Mittler & Sohn, 1857), 2:253-55].

Beginning with Prussian Colonel Paul Bronsort von Schellendorff in 1875, chroniclers of the Prussian General Staff have consistently cited this 1802 memorandum as the pivotal concept for the modernization of the Prussian General Staff which, half a century later, epitomized the leadership of the Prussian army during the wars of German Unification. [See Paul Bronsort von Schellendorff, Der Dienst des Generalstabes, 2 vols. (Berlin: E.S. Mittler & Sohn, 1875-76), pp. 14-18].

Unfortunately, I have yet to find this 1802 memorandum published anywhere. The editors of Reorganisation der Preußischen Armee nach dem Tilsiter Frieden discuss its contents, but do not print it as one of their primary source documents. Massenbach cites its existence in one volume of his memoirs, and while he publishes a myriad of concept papers, correspondence, and other material, he never prints this memorandum. [See Christian von Massenbach, Historische Denkwürdigkeiten zur Geschichte des Verfalls des preuβischen Staats seit dem Jahre 1794, nebst meinen Tagebuche über den Feldzug von 1806, 2 vols. (Amsterdam: Kunst-und Industriecomptoir, 1809), 1:35].

It seems that perhaps people of Massenbach’s time did not view his treatise with the importance later historians and others have given it. I cannot find any other reason why it has never been published (or I cannot find it) in any of the memoirs or archival document collections from the period 1802-15.

Has anyone found this document? I would appreciate any suggestions where I could possibly find it. Thanks so much for your support.

Take care and God bless!

Chuck White

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Prussian General Staff
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